Thermo Smart

What is a Thermostatic Mixer?

The most common danger that can be experienced while taking a shower is that the flow rate of cold or hot water in the installation suddenly decreases and the temperature of the domestic water also suddenly increases or decreases.

Depending on the temperature of the washing water, the risks that users may be exposed to can be classified as scalding and thermal shock. Even if the increases in the temperature of the domestic water are low in terms of degree, their effects are quite high in terms of scalding risk and degree of burns.
Today, it is known that bathing water at 65°C can cause third-degree skin burns (requiring medical intervention and skin transplantation in hospital) on very sensitive skin in as little as 30 milliseconds. Children under the age of four and elderly people in particular are more vulnerable to the risk of scalding in hot water because their skin is thinner than that of young and adult people. Studies have shown that 24% of skin burns, especially in children, occur as a result of contact with extremely hot water.

Hot and cold water is mixed as you set on the Teska Termo Smart® thermostat mixer. If the temperature changes in the hot or cold water line, the thermostat mixer automatically adjusts the mixture accordingly. Even if the cold water flow stops completely, you are protected against scalding because the thermostat valve immediately cuts off the flow.

Advantages of Thermostatic Mixer
. It is not affected by sudden changes in water temperature caused by other users meeting their own needs while taking a shower (while washing dishes, using the cistern, watering the garden, etc.).
. There is no need to constantly readjust the previously set domestic water temperature depending on the changes in hot or cold water temperatures in the installation.
. When sudden pressure losses occur in cold or hot water inlets, there is no risk of scalding or thermal shock due to the automatic switch-off feature of the faucet.
. It saves water, energy and time by adjusting the usage water temperature before entering the shower.

TESKA - Termostatik Batarya